Monday, December 5, 2011

Abbas says ready to present Palestinian visions on permanent status issues

Related video ~ ISRAEL PREPARES FOR PALESTINIAN UN BID December 15th 2011

December 5, 2011

Abbas says ready to present Palestinian visions on permanent status issues

Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced Monday that the Palestinians are ready to present their visions concerning all the permanent status issues to end the conflict with Israel.

"The Palestinian side is ready to present all its clear positions and visions concerning the issues of the refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders, security and water in any permanent status talks with Israel," Abbas said in a statement published on the state-run news agency "Wafa" website following a meeting in Ramallah with U.S. envoy Jeffry Feltman.

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"The Israeli government's commitments to implementing its obligations would guarantee the resumption of the negotiations between the two sides," said Abbas, who stressed that the Palestinians are sticking to peace and talks.

The peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians had been stalled since October last year, after Israel refused to stop settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

"Settlement activities must stop, including in east Jerusalem. Israel has to accept the vision of the two-state solution based on 1967 borders. Israel has to abide by these commitments in the first phase of the roadmap," said Abbas.

Meanwhile, he stressed that the Palestinians won't give up applying for a full United Nations membership of a Palestinian state established on the territories Israel occupied in 1967, with east Jerusalem as its capital.

Abbas also asked the United States for help to release all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, mainly those who were arrested before the Palestinians signed the Oslo peace accords with Israel in 1993.


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