Monday, December 5, 2011

Going Global Headline News for Monday, December 5, 2011 ...


*Iraq and U.S. ~ Chapter 7 ~ Iraqi Advisor Says Abstain From Concluding Any Agreements with The U.S. Until Chapter 7 Sanctions Are Lifted ...

Iraq Declared Holidays ~ Monday and Tuesday Dec. 5th and 6th ~ Tight Security for the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf and Kadhimiya ...

December 2011 Astrological Forecast - Geocosmic Shock Window December 7-13 ...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse December 10, 2011 in Gemini

*Iraq Budget 2012 ~ Cabinet Passes Budget and will send to Parliament on Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 ...

EU ~ Important Meetings leading Up to Friday's European Summit ...

Fed May Provide Loans to the IMF to help EuroZone Crisis

*Iraq and U.S. ~ Chapter 7 ~ Iraqi Advisor Says Abstain From Concluding Any Agreements with The U.S. Until Chapter 7 Sanctions Are Lifted ...

Iraq and the UN Security Council ~ Tuesday, December 6th Briefing and Consultations on Iraq ...

Iraq and Europe ~ Zebari discuss preparations for the signing of the agreement on cooperation and partnership between Iraq and the European Union ...

Biden says US Ready to Help Greece ...

Central Bank of Iraq - wishes to implement a national Retail Payment Systems ...

Abbas says ready to present Palestinian visions on permanent status issues

Iraq Eyes Joint Defense Deal with Gulf Nations

Wow ~ Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki ~ Building a stable Iraq ....

Vietnam ~ Exploding mountain causes earthquake concerns

Senate may vote this week on new payroll tax plan

NASA finds planet that's just about right for life

Franco-German budget plan demands EU treaty change

Iraq Investment ~ Parliamentarian: Engaging the private sector had become necessary in the country's investment process ...

U.S. and Kurdistan ~ U.S. Gen'l Austin Meets with Barzani and expresses concern and regret the events that affected the Christian minority ...

Zuccotti Park Owners, Brookfield Properties, Owe City $139,000 ...

Firms are now drawing up contingency plans if eurozone breaks up ...

Iraq ~ Analyst: Iraqi economy continues to flounder and needs to organize

Iraq and U.S. Investment ~ Baghdad looking with a delegation of US Embassy economic attachee joint economic and investment projects ...

Going Global Headline News for Sunday, December 4th and Sat. December 3rd .. Will Update ... .

*Next Week ~ December 4th through 11th ~ What Are We Looking For? A Week To Remember ...

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