Friday, December 9, 2011

I Write Letters

Dear Parks & Recreation:

I love you. That is all.

Wait, no, that's not all. I LOVE Amy Poehler's character, and not just because she's an earnest feminist foolishly optimistic do-gooder in Indiana with a picture of Hillary Clinton on her office wall, which I admit has a certain familiarity to it. I love that Leslie was allowed to choose her ambitious career over a man who was genuinely good for her, which I have never seen, ever, on any show.

I LOVE Rashida Jones. She is heartbreakingly beautiful, but she is given the opportunity to be sooooooo funny. (And she succeeds! I love her!) I love that Leslie and Anne are such good friends, and that they are both allowed to be totally cool ladies in totally different ways.

I LOVE Retta. I love that Donna doesn't exist to be the butt of fat jokes. I love that she is fat and stylish and sexy, and that she gets laid! A lot! I would love for her to be in the show EVEN MORE!

I LOVE Aubrey Plaza. I love April's relationship with Andy, and her interactions with Ron. Is there an Emmy for Best Eyeball Rolling? There should definitely be an Emmy for Best Eyeball Rolling, and it should be given to Aubrey Plaza EVERY YEAR. Forever!

I LOVE that I have already written about four major characters, and THEY ARE ALL WOMEN. I would like to mention here that I love BOTH of the Tammys, and Joan Callamezzo, and Marlene Knope (OMG Pamela Reed where have you been?!), too.

I love Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari). I love Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt). I love Jerry Gergich (Jim O'Heir), and I love that I know that his real name is Gary and that even though everyone picks on him, he has the best life and a huge penis. I love Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe). I love Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman), almost as much as Butch Pornstache does.

I love Ben Wyatt, who is played by Adam Scott, who used to only play jerks and I wasn't sure I'd like him as not a jerk, but I love him so much. I love that Ben is never mean to Leslie, and respects her and admires her. I love that he owns a Batman costume, and apparently a button-maker.

And I love Li'l Sebastian.

I love watching a show that's about nice people (who sometimes fuck up), trying to do the right thing. It makes me blub pretty much every week. I love that, too.

Thank you for the best Thursdays, Parks & Rec.



a gif of Leslie Knope looking through the window of the gingerbread office her coworkers made her for Christmas

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