Saturday, December 3, 2011

Iraq's House of Representatives will set a date to host Maliki, after his return from Washington ...

Iraq's Maliki ~December 12th ~ Iraq's Leader Heading to U.S.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

House of Representatives will set a date to host Maliki, after his return from Washington

Baghdad, announced the decision of the House of Representatives Mohammad Al-Khalid said on Saturday that the parliament will host Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss the readiness of security forces to take over security after the American withdrawal after his return from Washington.

He said al-Khalidi in a press statement that "the Presidency of the Council of Representatives will determine during a session scheduled for the day the 11 of December the current date to host Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki," asserting that "session hosting will be after the hearings the Mayor of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi and the return of al-Maliki from Washington."

Khalidi added that "the political blocs insisted on hosting the al-Maliki for the readiness of Iraqi security forces to take over security after the American withdrawal from the country," expected to "be hosting a session closed."


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