Saturday, December 3, 2011

President Talibani leads initiative to resolve security ministries ~ Allawi shows his approval to attend the meetings


Talabani and Khuzaie lead an initiative to resolve a security ministries

Deputy for Iraq: Allawi show his approval to attend the meetings

Baghdad - morning - Muhannad Abdul Wahab

A member of the coalition of state law on the efforts made ​​by President Jalal Talabani and his deputy, Dr. Khodair al to initiate a series of meetings with the political blocs in order to find solutions to the files controversial, including the naming ministers security .

Saad al-Muttalibi told the "morning": that the president and vice president were seeking to hold a series of meetings with the political blocs to find participants for the next phase, the resolution points of contention, including the choice of ministers of security and close this file before the final withdrawal of the U.S. Army from the country.

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He explained that the meeting will be based on to the Convention decisions Erbil, noting that meetings may begin with the masses of the rule of law and Iraqi forces as a first stage, and then hold trilateral meetings to gathering all the political blocs, as well as the involvement of the political blocs are not represented in parliament in the political decision.

The logistical importance of resolving the issue of the security ministries the fact that this file is too late and influenced by a range of regional factors and external, and called the Iraqi List, to select its candidate for the post of Minister of Defense, with the possibility of adherence to the minister the current Saadoun al-Dulaimi, being, according to the logistical, "proved his patriotism and void for a range or a specific destination."

In the meantime, MP for the Iraqi List, Talal Zobaie, the head of the list Iyad Allawi discussed during his recent meeting with Talabani, the requirements of the next phase and the importance of intensifying efforts and leave the existing differences between the political blocs, especially with the approach of the U.S. withdrawal from the country.

He Zobaie who was present at the meeting, said the two sides also stressed importance of implementing the Convention on the Erbil and activation of important laws. He said that President Talabani intends to gather the leaders of political blocs in a meeting, and the resolution of disputes between Allawi and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, adding that the existing Iraqi President expressed his agreement to attend the meeting, explaining it by saying, "It is intent on resolving the all differences in this meeting, which was important to outline for the post after the U.S. withdrawal.

"In a related development, said a member of the House of Representatives from a coalition of state law Jawad Albzona: The success of any meeting of leaders of political blocs based on the commitment of various parties to agreements concluded and based on the law and the Constitution.

and he said in a press statement: "All political forces out any hopes that the upcoming meeting of the leaders of the blocks the desired results for the transition to the reality of the best lift the country from its present situation."


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