Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kurdistan ~ Mahmoud Othman: invoking Chapter VII aumlf Kuwait Ward when Americans

Thursday, 08-12-2011

Mahmoud Othman: invoking Chapter VII aumlf Kuwait Ward when Americans

Arbil, He lead the Kurdistan Alliance and Deputy/coalition forces Kurdistan/Mahmoud Osman USA may not follow by item VII to keep Iraq under its tutelage, they could use to pressure the Iraqi Government.

Osman said reporter (News News Agency) Thursday: the USA probably cited in Kuwait file or other issues to keep Iraq under heading VII and also underline their potential after withdrawal in these things.

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Osman said: the Iraqi Government should deal with this theme very much, referring to the American Vice President (gobaidn) and other countries such as France and Britain expressed and confirmed their assistance to Iraq after a full withdrawal.

And between Osman: it is not in the interest of Iraq to be presented to us forces, particularly from some militias or armed parties that perhaps it would be another pretext for us forces to remain.

The new US Defense Minister Leon Panetta told Congress that the United States implemented a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq at the end of the year 2011, likely at the same time request that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki remain part of those forces until after the deadline, previously Minister the to almkerrlanshabha and former US Secretary Robert Gates urged troops inspecting stationed at a base in the northern city of Mosul, Maryse in last 8, Iraqi officials to expedite prompt us to extend the partition Soldiers after the year 2011, stressing that time was implemented in Washington and Iraqi political pronouncements on the fluctuating survival part of US forces in the country after 2011, between acceptance and rejection or acceptance of the timid, with download some blocks blocks other decision-making responsibility, considered the leader in the State of law Coalition, Hassan Al-Sunaid, on 19 June last, the survival or the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq was not yet Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,

but nevertheless, the Council of Ministers of the political blocs, inviting to take a common position On this subject, MP Walid law State Coalition, on 25 June trinkets that Iraq needed to keep us forces to protect its airspace and symbolic Kirkuk and other areas subject to the approval of House.


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