Monday, December 5, 2011

Rebuilding Privilege

Speaking of Newt Gingrich (ugh, this job, where I have to write things like "speaking of Newt Gingrich," because I have to speak of Newt Gingrich), the candidate has released his first television campaign spot, which will begin running in Iowa today. It's called "Rebuilding the America We Love," although, as per the usual conservaspeak, that's just a dog whistle more honestly translated as "Rebuilding Privilege."

String music. Amber waves of grain. A white picket fence, and a porch with a US flag blowing gently in the breeze. Newt Gingrich: "Some people say the America we know and love is a thing of the past. I don't believe that." Majestic purple mountains. A white dude in a factory. Lots of sparks. (Did Michael Bay direct this shit?) "Because, working together, I know we can rebuild America." US flag. Ma (a white lady) sweeping porch of her white-shingled ma-and-pop business. "We can revive our economy and create jobs—" Steel mill. Sparks. "—shrink government and the regulations that strangle our businesses—" Young blonde white lady arranging flowers in her flower shop window. "—throw out the tax code, and replace it with one that is simple and fair." The Marine Corps drill team (just a sea of white dude faces) practicing the exhibition drill. "We can regain the world's respect, by standing strong again—" Statue of Liberty. White church in the countryside. "—being true to our faith—" Four young corporate types—two white women, one white man, and one black man. "—and respecting one another." White cowboy in slo-mo, lassoing steer. "We can return power to the people—" Statehouse. "—and to the states we live in—" White man's hand drifting across the golden tops of wheat in a field. "—so we'll all have more freedom—" Little white boy in classroom being taught by young white lady teacher. "—opportunity—" Silo backlit by sunrise. "—and control of our lives." Newt's face. "Yes, working together, we can and will rebuild the America we love." STRING MUSIC! "I'm Newt Gingrich, and I approve this message." (Oh, I bet you do.)
[Via Andy.]

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